Oil on canvas. Public domain, colours enhanced.
The model for this painting was probably Miss Ethel Warwick, as may be deduced from a portrait of her in the National Gallery of South Africa, Cape Town, also of 1901, in which she is apparently wearing the same lace-edged jacket. Related drawings are in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Steer sketchbooks. (Source: The Fitzwilliam Museum)
Ethel Maude Warwick (1882–1951) who likely posed for the painting abov became an artists model to help pay for her tuition at the London Polytechnic where she herself was studying to be an artist. This led to her meeting Herbert Draper; Draper used her as a model for several of his paintings, including The Lament for Icarus. Through him she became a favoured model for several artists, including John William Godward and Linley Sambourne, for whom she posed nude in a series of photographic studies. She was also sketched by James McNeill Whistler.

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