Here is the poem in full:
Play, baby, in thy cradle play --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
And quick goes time, quick, quick!
Grow, baby, grow, with every day --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
And babyhood will pass away,
For quick goes time, quick, quick!
Not long can mother watch thee so --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
And quick goes time, quick, quick!
To pretty girlhood thou wilt grow --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
To womanhood, before we know,
For quick goes time, quick, quick!
Play, baby, in thy cradle play --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
And quick goes time, quick, quick!
And some brave lad will come some day --
Tick goes the clock, tick-tick, tick-tick;
And steal my baby's heart away;
Ah, quick goes time, quick, quick!
You can download the full version of the poem as it was originally printed
here. Lovely as a framed print but can also be used in a Mother's Day card or baby album.

Public domain poem is from my personal collection. All digitized work by Victorian is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Free for personal use only. Please link back to as your source when sharing or publishing.