Printable Vintage Art: After Sunset by Kitty Lange Kielland

After Sunset, 1886
by Kitty Lange Kielland (1843–1914)

Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are there cannot be one without the other yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel I remember wondering to be always together yet forever apart?
Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

The pale stars were sliding into their places. The whispering of the leaves was almost hushed. All about them it was still and shadowy and sweet. It was that wonderful moment when, for lack of a visible horizon, the not yet darkened world seems infinitely greater—a moment when anything can happen, anything be believed in.
Olivia Howard Dunbar, The Shell of Sense

[1] Original image from Wikimedia.
[2] The Real Victorian's digitally enhanced version of the painting (seen above), downloadable as a 11.5" x 8" @ 300 ppi JPEG.

Creative Commons Licence
Digitally enhanced reproductions of public domain paintings are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Printable Vintage Illustration: Escaping the Wildfire, 1883

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
e.e. cummings

Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.
Gerard Way

We all have heard about ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary situations. They act courageously or responsibly, and their efforts are described as if they opted to act that way on the spur of the moment... I believe many people in those situations actually have made descisions years before.
Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters

Antique illustration of four children escaping from a raging wildfire, 1883. From my own collection. 5" x 7" @ 300 ppi JPEG without a watermark here. Larger size image available for licensing. Please inquire.

Creative Commons License
For personal use only. Not for resale. All digitized work by The Real Victorian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Please cite as your source when sharing or publishing.

Vintage Art Appreciation: Donkey with Cart by Hanns Bolz

Donkey with Cart, 1903
by Hanns Bolz (1885-1918)

Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain, and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.
Alex Harris

We have to recognise that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence.
Cornel West, Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life

The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet it is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: Small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.
J.R.R. Tolkien

Creative Commons Licence
Digitally enhanced reproductions of public domain paintings are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.