Holidays; with Source of Joy
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Forefathers; pickled in Praise
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Shopping; en Masse
Cards and Banners with Greetings
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Stockings á la Santa Claus
Festivals; merry with Fir-trees and Mistletoe
Gifts; flavored with Love
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Back-Logs, served whole
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Peace and Good-will; dressed
with Charity
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Carols; Sweet :: :: Chiming Bells
I have included both the original card with the full menu, and one where I have removed the menu items in case you want to use it as a template for other projects. Can be used for recipe cards, gift tags, as a menu at a festive dinner or in scrapbooking.
To download the high-res 5" x 4" @ 300 ppi JPEGs without a watermark, please click here for the menu card with words and here for the blank Christmas card template.

Vintage ephemera is from my personal collection. All digitized work by Victorian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Free for personal use only. Please link back to as your source when sharing or publishing.